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Dalit-Roma Initiative, USA

Roma and Dalit experiences of persecution pave way for solidarity

the wider Roma community. The mayor of Harghita Zoltán Nagy viewed it as an unpleasant incident, provoked by Roma “criminality.” Reflecting widespread Romanian opinion, he remained indifferent to the racist and cruel nature of this hate crime. The mainstream media similarly maintained a lukewarm response to the incident.

While the triggers of hate, injustice, and violence vary, often the power imbalances and mechanisms of oppression are almost identical.

Global solidarity is an aim worth pursuing – not only possible, but morally imperative.

The execution of such ghastly acts by the oppressor groups remains unchecked and goes unnoticed. While the triggers of hate, injustice, and violence vary, often the power imbalances and mechanisms of oppression are almost identical: violence, mass incarceration, police abuse, poor quality of education, residential segregation, structural discrimination, and poverty.

Many parallels can be drawn between the experiences of Dalit and Roma people. Though all suffering is distinct and in spite of their differing geographical origins, the historical and continuing experiences of discrimination suffered by these two groups show almost uncanny similarities. They have been – and very much still are – the “untouchables” of Europe and India.