Dalit-Black Power Movement, India

The Dalit Black Power movement was inaugurated in India, and its intention is for Dalit youth to be sensitive to the Black struggle in America and across the world.
It’s not only confined to America, but it looks at the anti-Black racism in Europe and in the broader Americas.
It tries to explicate that the word “black” refers to not only the melanin “black,” but also anyone who is not white and who is oppressed across the world.
That could be due to colonialism, imperialism, historical atrocities that were imposed upon the native people, for example, the indigenous people of Australia. Then we talk about the oppressed caste people of the Middle East in Yemen and the neighboring regions.
We utilize that as a broader framework, and then we put ourselves in solidarity. The Dalit Power movement in India works simultaneously. Some of our comrades in South India facilitate an Africa dialogue, where they get students from African origin who are studying in India and have a joint graduation ceremony to share culture, dance, and music.
Dr. Yengdes’s reflection on the Dalit and Black Solidarity via this article (link to https://hir.harvard.edu/dalit-and-black-solidarity-interview-with-suraj-yengde/)